Council Cyclone Recovery Package Fuels SEQ Clean-up

Prime Minister
  • Community Relief Fund activated for South East Queensland local governments affected by Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
  • Funding will be available for councils to assist with the costs of immediate clean-up and early recovery activities.

As Tropical Cyclone Alfred approaches the Queensland coast, $15 million in emergency assistance has been made available to South East councils in the impact zone.

The Community Relief Fund, jointly funded by the Albanese and Crisafulli Governments will provide councils up to $1 million to undertake essential immediate clean up and restoration activities.

Councils can use this funding for waste and debris removal from streets, properties, and community assets, and activities to restore public assets.

Support has been made available under the joint Commonwealth-state Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

The Commonwealth Government is working closely with both the Queensland and New South Wales Governments to ensure appropriate recovery support is ready to go for impacted communities over the coming days.

Quotes attributable to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

"The Community Relief Fund was on standby to kickstart clean-up and recovery in the South East.

"Obviously, everyone is hoping we don't see the worst of what this tropical cyclone can bring. But if we do, we want to make sure that as soon as recovery work is physically possible it gets underway.

"Early focus on clean-up is the first step to returning life to an even keel."

Quotes attributable to Premier David Crisafulli

"Recovery planning was well advanced to unlock immediate support for South East Queenslanders, as soon as it was required.

"Delivering this support now means no delay and no time between response and recovery.

"Just as work continues in the north and far north, we'll walk side by side with local governments during the next phase of recovery."

Quotes attributable to Minister for Emergency Management Jenny McAllister

"The funding gave local councils confidence to roll out the response needed.

"This funding will boost recovery across the region.

"It's a critical injection that will allow councils to dedicate resources to urgent clean-up tasks like tree and debris removal, and will ensure work keeps progressing."

Quotes attributable to Queensland Minister for Disaster Recovery Ann Leahy

"The Community Relief Fund provided flexibility for councils to address unique local recovery challenges and priorities.

"Disaster impacts vary from community to community, but the Crisafulli Government's commitment to helping Queenslanders through recovery remains the same.

"This fund allows councils to focus on tasks of most benefit to their residents, with officers from the Queensland Reconstruction Authority positioned ready to assist all affected SEQ councils with their recovery efforts."


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