Council's Meeting on 1 December was its last meeting for the year. The first meeting of Council in 2021 is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 2 February.
10 Terminal and Parklands Renewal Project
In response to a Mayoral Minute delivered by Mayor Carolyn Corrigan, Council resolved to endorse a short submission to the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust in relation to its current exhibition of the Project Direction for the 10 Terminal and Parklands Renewal at Middle Head. The submission will support community use of the 10 Terminal precinct and buildings as an absolute priority for the site, the protection and celebration of the precinct's unique indigenous and military history with no further buildings being constructed on the 10 Terminal site south of Middle Head Road, the timely progress of heritage restoration and reactivation of the 10 Terminal buildings for community use, the expansion of community parklands on the northern side of Middle Head Road following demolition of the dilapidated barracks buildings, and maximising accessibility overall by the community while also appropriately managing traffic and parking issues.
Local Action - Ending Violence Against Women
Council endorsed a further Mayoral Minute proposing that the General Manager, in consultation with the Mayor, investigate options for a community event in November/December 2021 that raises awareness and provides a local call to action against the unacceptable incidence of violence against women.
2019/20 Annual Report and Financial Statements
Council's Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for the 2019/20 Financial Year were tabled and presented to the public at the meeting. Any person may make a submission to Council in relation to the Audited Financial Reports or Auditors Reports until 8 December 2020. The Annual Report, which provides a comprehensive account of Council activities over the previous year, will now be referred to the NSW Minister for Local Government in accordance with legislative requirements. The report, including the Audited Financial Statements, is available here.
Scenic Protection Area Planning Proposal
Measures to protect the Mosman Scenic Protection Area through its permanent exclusion from the NSW Government's Housing Code have been the subject of ongoing discussions between Council and the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) for many years. Having explored all means available to it, Council has resolved to endorse a Planning Proposal to rezone land within the Mosman Scenic Protection Area from Zone R2 Low Density Residential to Zone E4 Environmental Living under the Mosman Local Environmental Plan 2012 and to submit the Planning Proposal to the DPIE for Gateway determination prior to statutory public exhibition. In endorsing the Planning Proposal Council noted the public submissions received during initial consultations on the proposal, as well as support provided by the Mosman Local Planning Panel.
Balmoral RPS Parking Restrictions
A proposal to extend the length of summertime parking restrictions in Balmoral RPS Area 15 was recently the subject of public consultation. Council considered feedback received during the consultation period and subsequently resolved that no further action be taken on the matter. Summertime restrictions in the area will continue to apply during the months of December and January only.
Driveway Linemarking Fees
Having considered public feedback on a proposal to establish a fee for driveway linemarking, Council resolved to endorse a reduced fee of $79 per driveway for the service. This fee will assist Council in recouping the cost of associated site works.
Climate Strategy and Action Plan
Following its declaration of a Climate Emergency in November 2019 and a series of pubic consultations earlier this year, Council endorsed the draft Mosman Climate Strategy and Action Plan for public exhibition. The document, which provides a strategic framework to reduce CO2 emissions for both Council operations and the wider Mosman community, will be available for review at from 16 December. Submissions can be forwarded to Council until the end of February 2021.
Council also resolved to make a submission in support of climate change action in line with both the draft Climate Strategy and Action Plan and globally agreed targets to the House Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy.
Boat Trailer Parking Review
Boat trailer parking has been an ongoing problem for residential streets in Mosman and in other local government areas. Recognising the limitations of current legislation to appropriately deal with this issue, Council resolved to trial a new approach in Redan Street between Raglan Street and Upper Almora Street. The 12 month trial, which will incorporate community consultation, will involve the erection of "No Parking, Motor Vehicles Excepted" signage along the nominated length of Redan Street.
Works on Council Property
Council considered two applications for works on Council property. In relation to the first, Council resolved not to approve the proposed construction of a new kayak rack at Pearl Bay, encouraging the applicant to make use of existing boat storage racks nearby. The second application for works to upgrade the Cenotaph at Mosman Park were approved subject to standard conditions, waiving of associated fees and all costs of works to be met by the Mosman Anzac Memorial Hall Trust. Council also resolved to lend its support to any funding applications submitted by the Trust to relevant grants programs.
Allan Border Oval Pavilion Redevelopment
Tenders were recently called for construction works associated with the redevelopment of the pavilion at Allan Border Oval, with a recommendation submitted to the meeting by staff to enter into negotiations with three shortlisted tenderers. This action was unanimously endorsed by Council, and delegated authority was granted to the General Manager in concurrence with the Mayor, to negotiate and enter into a contract with the selected tenderer. It is expected that the works will commence on-site following the summer cricket season in March 2021.