As Gunnedah welcomes in a new team of Councillors, Gunnedah Shire Council's End of Term Report for the past five years shows this term will build on very solid foundations.
"This has been an unprecedented term in many respects, not the least of which has included the challenges of a record drought and the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the opportunities presented by economic stimulus through local government by the State and Federal governments not seen since the Second World War," an introduction by Mayor Jamie Chaffey and General Manager Eric Groth states.
Highlights of achievements detailed in the introduction to the report include:
• Continued financial security and sustainability despite the significant environmental challenges faced during the term
• Delivery of a works program unparalleled in both scope and volume for Council
• Tremendous success in attracting grant funding for infrastructure and community service projects which have enabled significant project delivery
• The delivery of a large tranche of strategic planning including finalising Council's Local Strategic Planning Statement and substantial progress on the Economic Development Strategy, Housing Strategy, Open Space Strategy and Destination Management Plan review
• Bedding down of an enterprise-wide audit and risk management framework, including internal audit and audit and risk committee.
The report details Council's progress in implementing the Community Strategic Plan during the 2016-21 term, a term extended by 15 months due to COVID-19.
It includes a host of facts and figures about what has been achieved through Council during that time, including:
- A growth in population from 12,491 (2016) to 12,690 (June 2020)
• A decrease in unemployment from 8% (2016) to 5.1% (June 2021)
• 1416 resolutions were adopted by Council
• $97,122 was distributed to Community Scholarship recipients in partnership with the community
• $410,738 was provided to local businesses under the Business Partner Program
• 23,239 customers requests were processed
• There were 286,957 visits to the Gunnedah Shire Library
• 450ha of parks, sports fields, open space/bushland reserves and cemeteries were maintained by Council staff
• 43,182 tonnes of domestic waste were received at the Waste Management Facility
• 12,141 tonnes of waste was diverted to recycling at the Waste Management Facility
To take a look at the Gunnedah Shire Council End of Term Report, visit