Gunnedah Shire Council has endorsed the final Concept Design for the Gunnedah Youth Space (previously known as Gunnedah Skate Park).
In early 2024 and as part of the Gunnedah Shire Open Space Strategy, Council engaged award-winning specialists CONVIC to develop a new 'Youth Space' to replace the current Gunnedah Skate Park with a contemporary facility designed to meet current and future trends within active youth recreation and wheel action sports.
CONVIC is a world leader in skate park and youth space design and has created more than 800 community spaces around the globe to date.
After completing relevant site background and research and undertaking extensive consultation with the community, a draft Concept Design was developed by CONVIC and presented to Council in December 2024.
The draft Concept Design was placed on public exhibition for 35 days to allow stakeholders and the community to view the design and make submissions.
Based on submissions received from the community during the exhibition period as well as Councillor feedback, a number of changes were made to the draft Concept Design including but not limited to:
- Additional bike racks in café, car park and basketball areas
- Picnic benches added in social areas
- Fence along View Street roadside enhanced
- CCTV added to light poles
- Ping pong and chess tables added to increase social recreation activities
- Parkour + climbing areas relocated and reoriented
- Full size basketball court included in N-S orientation
- Enhanced learn to ride track & beginner pump track replace previous pump loop to provide more standalone beginner focused area
- Bike tracks zoned to provide different areas to suit skill levels and reduce risk of conflicts and collisions
- Car parking increased
- Off street parking and drop off area proposed along View Street
- Basket swing added to youth activity zone
- Outdoor gym equipment included in court area
- Clean up station added for skaters to maintain/clear up skatepark (leaf litter etc); and
- Provision of shade over active areas as future installation.
Gunnedah Shire Council Mayor Colleen Fuller said the new Youth Space would be an exciting addition for the local community.
"The final Concept Design reflects a collective vision that effectively captures the current and future needs of both Council and the community.
"Now that Council has resolved to adopt the final Gunnedah Youth Space Concept Design it can move forward with the project to secure funding opportunities to bring it to fruition," said Mayor Fuller.