The Corowa Saleyards is owned and managed by Federation Council and has been operating for more than sixty years. The facility is well respected and utilised by industry professionals across several states throughout Australia.
As a result of the increasing impact of COVID-19 and government recommendations, Federation Council is implementing important amendments to sale day procedures that we wish to notify you of.
Please find below the current Conditions of Entry Council intend to put in place, as of Sunday, August 15, 2021 to manage COVID-19 at this point in time.
Conditions of Entry
• All persons authorised to enter must sign in using the Service NSW QR Code prior to entry.
• All persons must complete the Federation Council COVID-19 declaration prior to entry and wear the issued wristband.
• Anyone that meets following criteria, will be excluded from the site:
- Reside in or have been in a COVID-19 declared area (i.e. Greater Sydney Area) in the last 14 days; or
- In the previous 72 hours have experienced COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath) or have been tested and waiting the results; or
- Are feeling unwell; or
- Have been in contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 or a person that has been tested and waiting results in the last 14 days.
• It is mandatory that all persons attending Corowa Saleyards wear a facemask at all times.
• Transporters are only permitted in their designated loading and unloading lanes at the saleyards, including the ramps and delivery yards while stock are being sold.
• Hand sanitiser will be provided at entry of the yards, office and canteen. Everyone must use the hand sanitiser regularly.
• NSW Government social distancing restrictions (1.5m distance) applies to everyone using the saleyards. Line marking and indicators have been installed at the yards.
• Personal hygiene measures are required to be followed:
- Wash hands regularly;
- Practice good cough/sneeze etiquette;
- Use hand sanitiser; and
- Avoid touching face – nose, eyes and mouth.
Permitted Personnel to the Corowa Saleyards
- Essential saleyard staff;
- Essential agency staff and accredited agents;
- Genuine buyers with the true intention to purchase;
- Livestock transporters with access to unloading / loading ramps; and
- MLA Livestock Market Officers.
The following personnel are excluded from the Corowa Saleyards until further notice:
- Vendors;
- General public; and
- Auditors.
Anyone not complying with these conditions will also be asked to leave. The Saleyards Manager has the right to move people on if they are not complying with these conditions of entry. If a person fails to leave when directed, Council staff will contact NSW Police.
View the Corowa Saleyards Covid 19 Safety Management Plan here(PDF, 848KB).