Council Launches Key Worker Housing Strategy

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Murrindindi Shire Council has adopted its first Key Worker Housing Strategy. Designed to support important industries within our Shire, this Strategy aims to provide a pathway for the development of safe, secure, and suitable housing for key workers, regardless of income. Many of our local businesses report difficulty recruiting staff and growing with the constrained access to housing.

The Strategy will help Council and partners make decisions, plan, and deliver housing for key workers. It guides the development of suitable land that will offer various housing options for industries such as Health and Aged Care, Tourism, Hospitality, Agriculture and Manufacturing. This includes both temporary and permanent housing options depending on the needs of the community. Sites owned by Council and other state agencies have been identified across the Shire.

Council is fostering growth in our local economy and community by enabling those who wish to move to the Shire or transition from their family home, making it easier to find a safe and suitable place to live.

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