We're providing a new way for Cardinia Shire residents to seek certificates of compliance for their home pools and spas, with safety inspection services now available through Council.
The new service enables residents to request a pool barrier inspection through Council's registered building and pool inspectors, saving residents from sourcing inspections independently.
Anyone in the shire who owns or rents a property with a pool or spa that is capable of holding a depth of 300 millimetres (30 centimetres) or more, requires a compliant fence or barrier around it. This includes around a temporary pool, such as an inflatable pool, that can hold 30 centimetres of water.
All pools or spas must also be registered with Council and the safety fencing inspected every 4 years, in line with Victorian Government legislation.
Council's registered building and pool inspectors can undertake all initial inspections and subsequent safety barrier inspections required. If deemed compliant, they can issue a Certificate of Barrier Compliance (Form 23).
Cardinia Shire Council Mayor, Cr Jack Kowarzik says the offering seeks to assist residents with maintaining the ongoing operations and inspections of safety barrier and fencing.
"Pool or spa owners have an obligation to restrict access to the pool or spa for safety measures. This includes ensuring the pools and spa safety barriers are registered with Council and regularly inspected as required.
"Notices are sent out every four years to pool or spa owners advising their safety barrier and fencing inspections and certificates of barrier compliance are up for renewal, and now through this new offering, those inspections can be arranged in house."
These are the precautions that must be taken so we can create a safe environment for everyone to enjoy."