Dungog Shire Council has been bitterly disappointed by the news that it will only receive funding for one out of eight priority roads submitted under Round 2 of the NSW Government's Fixing Local Roads Program.
Transport for NSW has advised that of the $6.8M applied for under the program, Dungog Shire will only receive $924,000 for the resealing and stabilisation of 3kms of Flat Tops Road, which requires a council contribution of $308,000 for this work to be completed.
Mayor of Dungog Shire, Cr John Connors, says it is extremely disappointing to learn that council has been largely unsuccessful in attracting this funding to improve the state of some of the shire's most critical roads.
"As the only council in NSW without a State Road and with only 5000 ratepayers, Dungog Shire Council is very dependent on state and federal government grants to carry out much needed maintenance and upgrades to the 700+kms of road network within our shire," says Mayor Connors.
"The state of the roads within Dungog Shire is cause for constant criticism from the community and it was very disappointing to learn that council was largely unsuccessful in Round 2 of the NSW Government's Fixing Local Roads grants, receiving only 13% of what was applied for.
"With the by-election for the state seat of the Upper Hunter -- which services Dungog Shire -- happening on 22 May, council will be lobbying all candidates to reconsider our region's need for this critical funding and deliver on what our community deserves."
Council sought funding of $6.8M to enable works totalling $9M to be carried out on eight roads within the shire. The application required council to contribute $2.2M to enhance the chance its success and enable this priority work to be carried out.
The following priority roads were applied for under Round 2 of the NSW Government's Fixing Local Roads program: