Council of Attorneys-General communiqué

A meeting of the Council of Attorneys-General (CAG) was held on 27 July 2020 by videoconference. All jurisdictions were represented.

The meeting was chaired by the Hon Elise Archer MP, Attorney-General, Tasmania.

Summary of Decisions

National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention

In recognition that reducing lives lost to suicide is a priority for all governments, participants agreed to work together to support the prevention of deaths by suicide of Australian Defence Force members and veterans, through the establishment of the new National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention. The National Commissioner will have ongoing Royal Commission‑like powers to inquire into these tragic deaths, and make recommendations for future prevention.

Participants also agreed to work together, in consultation with the Council of Chief Coroners, to establish a new National Coronial Centre for Defence and Veteran Suicides to assist Coroners to develop a common understanding of the issues for consideration in individual Defence and veteran death by suicide cases, and to support the National Commissioner in identifying broader systemic issues for further inquiry.

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