In an information document sent to governments and published today, Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić proposes that the 46-state organisation plays a leading role in the establishment of a register to record and document evidence and claims of damage, loss or injury as a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine. The register is an important part of current international initiatives to set up a compensation mechanism for Russia's crimes of aggression.
The Secretary General underlines that the Council of Europe is well-placed to develop the claims register, notably in light of the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights and the process of supervision of the Court's judgments. The Organisation is already providing legal and policy advice, training investigation experts and professionals working with victims of violence, especially women. These and other activities are included in the Council of Europe's dedicated Ukraine Action Plan 2023-2026.
The information document also discusses different options for setting up the special tribunal and the need for a solid legal basis. The Secretary General suggests that the Council of Europe can offer assistance, for instance, with the selection and appointment of judges, elaboration of rules of evidence and procedure, provision of expertise in case management, as well as the secondment of experts. The Organisation is also ready to offer its support to the "interim prosecutor's office". Any activity related to the special tribunal should be co-ordinated with the relevant existing mechanisms, in particular the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Secretary General sees key role for Council of Europe in establishing accountability for Russia's aggression against Ukraine and securing justice for victims