Did you know it takes almost 5 years for the average young Australian to secure full time work?
In an effort to support young people in the City of Boroondara, we've developed a pilot program with Ripple's Career Lab that aims to build practical skills to land a job.
From mid-October, 12 young people aged 18 to 25 years old from Boroondara will take part in the new program.
It includes 5 weekly online sessions where participants will:
- learn practical skills
- meet industry experts
- build their network to accelerate their careers.
It also includes expert guest speakers who will share their lessons, advice, fails and wins.
Guest speakers include:
- Dr Norman Swan, health broadcaster with the ABC
- Ttobie Arowobusoye, leader of sustainability and social impact at 4Pines Brewing Company
- Emma Grover, leader of community building for over 55 million users of Canva.
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