Council is pleased to present its End of Term Report 2017-2021.
At its December meeting, Council resolved to note the report and present it to the community.
Under the NSW Government's Integrated Planning and Reporting Legislation for Local Government, Council is required to produce a report on its progress in implementing the Community Strategic Plan –'Our Community – Our Opportunity' during its term.
The aim of this report is to provide the community with a status of how Council is progressing toward achieving its Strategic Plan - Our Community – Our Opportunity. Federation Council adopted its Community Strategic Plan - Our Community – Our Opportunity in 2018. The plan is a ten year long term plan that identifies where the Federation Council community want to be in the future. It outlines the community's priorities and aspirations and how these will be achieved.
This plan assists in shaping the future of the Federation Council Local Government Area (LGA). It provides the direction for the provision of key projects and services which enable Council to meet the needs of the community and deliver good quality services and facilities.
It integrates asset, service and financial plans so that Council's resource capabilities are best matched to the community's needs and shows how Council is working towards achieving a better quality of life for all who live, work and visit in Federation Council. This is a dynamic strategy that is evaluated consistently and also comprehensively reviewed at the end of Council's term. This report will focus on the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2021. The End of Term Report has been structured to demonstrate what Council has done towards achieving strategic goals, underpinned by the following five key pillars as set by the community:
- Built Federation: Maintained and improved infrastructure that meets the needs of residents and industry.
- Economic Federation: Growing, progressive and prosperous communities that build on sustainable manufacturing, agriculture and tourism, close proximity to other centres on both sides of the Murray and affordability.
- Natural Federation: Sustainable rural landscapes and waterways offering tranquillity and attractive recreational spaces.
- Social Federation: Close-knit and welcoming communities where people come together and support each other.
- Well-Governed Federation: Strong civic leadership and governance supporting equity across communities and effective communication with residents.
Federation Council Mayor, Cr Pat Bourke said since the election of the previous Federation Council in 2017, Council has worked extensively to provide a strong foundation for the incoming Council and the community moving forward.
"The success of this work completed during this period is a credit to the Councillors, staff and the community for the way in which they have collaboratively worked together to improve the livability of the Federation Local Government Area," he said.
"The End of Term report seeks to support the new Council and provide guidance and clarity on the future needs of the community."
Council will soon be engaging with the community to review its Community Strategic Plan - Our Community – Our Opportunity as per legislative requirements via community workshops and an online survey.
View the End of Term Report here(PDF, 13MB).