While on mission in China to attend the Third Belt & Road Forum for International Cooperation, which took place in Beijing from 17 to 25 October, ICAO Council President Salvatore Sciacchitano met with the Vice Premier of the State, Mr. He Lifeng (pictured top right), and with the CAAC Administrator, Mr. Song Zhiyong (pictured bottom right).
President Sciacchitano expressed ICAO's appreciation to China for its voluntary contributions to the Organization's assistance programmes and for hosting the ICAO regional sub-office in Beijing and the secondment of staff.
Discussions also focussed on aviation's decarbonization. In that regard, the President encouraged China to participate in the upcoming third International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels (CAAF/3), taking place in Dubai in November, and also encouraged China's active engagement in reaching an agreement on an ICAO Global Framework for aviation cleaner energy, including sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) and lower carbon aviation fuels (LCAF), that will set the ground for aviation's cleaner energy transition.
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