Devonport City Council today released its 2021/22 Annual Report, which highlighted a return to normality after two years of impacts from the global pandemic.
Devonport Mayor Annette Rockliff said the last financial year had seen a lot of change occur in the city thanks to Council's LIVING CITY project.
Presenting the Council's Annual Report to the community for the final time, Cr Rockliff will finish her 15-year tenure in Local Government, including the last four years as Mayor of Devonport, next month.
"LIVING CITY has played a significant role in revitalising our city and I'm proud to have been a part of that bold vision," Cr Rockliff said.
"Our community has seen this vision come to fruition as our Waterfront Precinct transforms through Council's $17 million Waterfront Park and the privately funded $49 million Novotel Hotel.
"LIVING CITY has placed Devonport in the enviable position of having an established, clear, long-term vision and plan to drive the growth, development and business opportunities that are emerging."
Cr Rockliff said Council's Capital Work Program in 2021/22 delivered some fantastic projects for the community, including building and sports ground upgrades, playground transformations, road renewals, stormwater upgrades and sections of the Coastal Pathway completed.
Devonport City Council General Manager Matthew Atkins said Council reported a strong performance both financially and in the successful delivery of services with a $3.7 million surplus, an improvement of $3.2 million on a budgeted surplus of $459,000.
Mr Atkins said the surplus was due to additional income, which came from higher-than-anticipated returns from TasWater and Dulverton Waste Management Authority, additional parking and development fees, supplementary rate income and extra operating grants, in particular an additional quarterly Federal Assistance Grant payment.
"This is an excellent result for Devonport City Council. In planning for the 2021/22 financial year, Council adopted a Budget and Annual Plan with a 'return to normal' approach anticipating the resumption of services and associated revenue streams, which had not occurred the previous year," Mr Atkins said.
"As Council now presents this 2021/22 Annual Report detailing its performance against anticipated budget and planned actions, it is pleasing to be able to report a strong performance both financially and in the successful delivery of many important initiatives and services."
Mr Atkins said the net worth of Council increased by $12.3 million to $617.6 million, consolidating Council's strong financial position. Total debt reduced from $47.9 million to $46.9 million in line with anticipated principal and interest repayments detailed in Council's Long Term Financial Management Plan.
He said digital transformation of Council services and operations has allowed seamless continuation of service delivery regardless of employee location and has opened new ways of engaging with the community 24/7.
Mr Atkins congratulated three long-serving Councillors, in Mayor Annette Rockliff, former Mayor Cr Lynn Laycock and former Deputy Mayor Cr Leon Perry who are not re-standing in the 2022 Local Government elections
"Each has served the community for between 14 and 20 years and has made a significant contribution, providing steadfast leadership during a period which has seen Devonport experience transformational change," Mr Atkins said.
Copies of Council's 2021/2022 Annual Report are now available at Council's Customer Service Centre, Level 2, paranaple centre and on Council's website at
The Annual General Meeting will be held at 5.30pm this Monday, 24 October in the paranaple convention centre, Level 3, paranaple centre, 137 Rooke Street, Devonport.
Registration to attend is requested and can be made by contacting Council at [email protected] or on 6424 0511 by 12 noon on Monday, 24 October.
Photo: Devonport Mayor Annette Rockliff and Devonport City Council General Manager Matthew Atkins.