Hobsons Bay City Council has again called on the state government to install filters on West Gate Tunnel ventilation stacks and to urgently consult with the community about air pollution arising from the project.
Council supported a motion at a meeting on Tuesday highlighting various actions that have been taken in support of improved air quality.
Hobsons Bay Mayor, Cr Daria Kellander, has written to transport infrastructure minister Gabrielle Williams calling for action to protect the health of Hobsons Bay residents.
The letter to Minister Williams also highlighted multiple environmental reports detailing the adverse impact the lack of tunnel vent filtration would have on the surrounding community.
Cr Kellander will speak at an upcoming Maribyrnong Truck Action Group rally on 2 March to continue to voice Council's concerns on the issue. Local businesses are also being called on to play their part in improving air quality in Hobsons Bay.
Council will be writing to businesses in the Brooklyn Industrial Precinct and Altona North, urging them to take action to improve air quality in the community.
Council will be asking those businesses to take steps to eliminate or reduce dust, odour, and noise pollution where possible.
It will also be asking businesses to be more transparent about their efforts to reduce air pollution by sharing examples with Council, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and local residents.
The Brooklyn Recycling Group Better Environment Plan, recently approved by the EPA, is an example of an initiative of businesses working with the community, EPA and Council towards a more sustainable and less polluting future.
Council encourages businesses to join and support this initiative, with additional information available at www.brooklynrg.com.au.
Quotes attributable to Mayor of Hobsons Bay, Cr Daria Kellander:
"Hobsons Bay City Council is firm in its stance around the need for pollution filters to be added to West Gate Tunnel vents.
"I urge the state government to listen to our legitimate concerns about the health of our community.
"It is essential that these businesses take full responsibility for their emissions and demonstrate a clear commitment to protecting the health and wellbeing of their residential neighbours.
"The current situation, where these issues remain largely unaddressed, is no longer acceptable to our residents.
"The impact on the quality of life in our community is far too significant, and we are calling on all businesses to engage in a more proactive approach to improving air quality."
Quotes attributable to Deputy Mayor of Hobsons Bay, Cr Rayane Hawli:
"People in the inner west have the same right to clean air as everyone else in Melbourne.
"I'm pleased that Council is now taking a more assertive role in advocating for cleaner air for our residents."