Yarra Ranges Shire Council
Yarra Ranges Council has today refused an application from McDonalds for a restaurant and childcare centre at 19-23 Hereford Road, Mt Evelyn.
The Department of Planning and Transport, as a determining authority, has objected to the application. This means that the application must be refused.
Yarra Ranges Mayor Councillor Sophie Todorov said, "When a state government agency objects to an application on the grounds of safety we must listen to their expert advice.
Billanook Ward Councillor Tim Heenan said, "I'm aware that this application had caused a great deal of concern in the community and that there were hundreds of submissions objecting to the proposed development.
"I'm pleased to report back to the Mt Evelyn community that the application has been refused and that the safety of our residents has been taken into account in the refusal of this application.
"The site for this planning application is in a residential area which would not be appropriate and the current issues of safety on Hereford Road have been taken into account into the decision. The proposal is also seen as not meeting planning policy, is a poor urban design outcome and would result in an out of centre development."
Councillor Todorov said, "It's important when considering planning applications that the proposed development is suitable and appropriate for the location. It was clear on this occasion that this application is not suitable."
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