Continued investment in the LIVING CITY project is priority for the Devonport City Council's election funding opportunities, which were revealed today.
Devonport Mayor Annette Rockliff said continued commitment from State and Federal Government partners in the LIVING CITY Masterplan was vital in transforming the City of Devonport.
Council's top project funding opportunities include:
- LIVING CITY Sound and Light Show: An immersive visual and sculptural performance that exalts the beauty of our alpine region, farmland, the city of Devonport and the importance of the Mersey and Don rivers as they flow into Bass Strait. To be located within the new Waterfront Park precinct, this experience will support the growth of the tourism and hospitality industries locally.
- Spreyton Active Transport and Recreation Trail: Extension of the existing recreation trail at Horsehead Creek, through to Spreyton, Maidstone Park and the Woodrising residential precinct. The project includes a new active transport trail through to the Maidstone Park recreation precinct, along with a new pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Figure of Eight Creek.
- Byard Park facility upgrade: the multi-sport recreational and community facility supports a range of user groups competing in local and statewide competitions. Constructed in 1967, the facility is no longer fit-for-purpose. This project proposes a complete replacement of the facility, with new accessible facilities, multi-team and gender change facilities, and associated user group support amenities.
- Devonport SMART CITY initiatives: Council has transformed manual, inefficient processes to highly efficient, digitally enabled processes. Various Council services have been digitised to deliver high-quality, fast and efficient online services to the community. Devonport has been recognised as a "smart council" and will focus on delivering initiatives that positively impact the community and improve the volume and quality of data that can be obtained through IoT (Internet of Things) technology.
- Dulverton Organics Composting Facility: expansion of organic material processing capacity at the Dulverton Waste Management Facility, including construction of "in-vessel" composting system as a foundational support to the expansion of kerb-side Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) service. This project will assist with diverting a significant proportion of the 46% of regional waste volumes from landfill, into high-quality compost material for re-use in agricultural and other production systems.
- LIVING CITY Public Art Program: Funding to support the local arts and creative sector via public art commissions for content to be located within Devonport's Waterfront Park and paranaple centre precincts.
- Paranaple arts centre - Black Box Performing Arts Space: Stage two of the paranaple arts centre proposes the development of an intimate "Black Box" performing arts space, with seating for up to 140 people. This facility would be used by local performance groups and national touring shows and artists to showcase unique and intimate performance types.
Cr Rockliff said in addition to these specific projects, Council have also identified a range of other strategic planning initiatives that would benefit from funding support, which have also been communicated to the major parties.
She said all these projects were critical to reinvigorating Devonport, while unlocking exciting new opportunities for complementary private sector investment and job creation within our local and regional economy.
"With the $40 million private investment in the new waterfront hotel and the $17 million complementary Waterfront Park Precinct now on the ground and being delivered, the time is right to commence planning and investment in the next stages of LIVING CITY and the further growth and prosperity of our community," Cr Rockliff said.
"We welcome the opportunity to discuss these priorities with both parties, and how they may be able to assist in supporting Council to achieve our vision for the future prosperity of Devonport.
"There has never been a better time to live, work and invest in Devonport and Council is confident that these projects will see our City continue to thrive and create a place that its residents are proud to call home."
Cr Rockliff said Council also supports the Cradle Coast Authority's regional priorities list, which includes projects that benefit the entire Cradle Coast region.
Photo: Devonport Mayor Annette Rockliff has revealed the Devonport City Council's election funding priorities today.