Wollongong City Council has made changes to the delivery of a number of its services to support the NSW Government's updated COVID measures.
We ask those who are able to wear masks, do so, and that anyone feeling unwell gets tested and stays home until they are feeling better. As always, please follow the advice of NSW Health and comply with the Public Health Orders. By taking these steps, we're working to support the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone in our community.
Here is a summary of the changes to selected services and programs. We are regularly reviewing the latest advice and will continue to respond to any updated health measures.
Beaton Park and Lakeside Leisure Centres
Masks must be worn inside the centres, including while exercising. Dance and gym classes are limited to 20 people per class, and the 1 person for every 4 square metres applies. Phone bookings on 4227 7755 for Beaton Park or 4227 7600 for Lakeside are recommended, and a limit of one class per person, per day, applies.
Community Centres
Masks must be worn inside and Council staff are contacting those who have hired our facilities to notify them of how the 4 metre rule is being applied to each of the centres.
Community Transport
We're making changes to the delivery of our community transport services to allow for social distancing on board the buses and some trips will not be going ahead in the coming days. Essential services to doctors' appointments – except trips to areas of Sydney classified as hotspots – and shopping will continue. Council staff are contacting clients and our volunteers directly to provide details of these changes.