Kiama Council has voted to support the Voice to Parliament proposed by the Australian Government.
The Voice to Parliament proposal would see the establishment of a permanent and independent body, advising the Australian Government and Australian Parliament on matters affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The Voice to Parliament will decided by a national referendum later this year.
Councillors last night voted to support the Yes campaign, eight votes to one.
For: Cr Matt Brown, Cr Imogen Draisma, Cr Jodi Keast, Cr Stuart Larkins, Cr Neil Reilly, Cr Karen Renkema-Land, Cr Kathy Rice, Cr Warren Steel
Against: Cr Mark Croxford
Last night's decision means Council will support the Australian Government information campaign about the referendum.
Council will also waive hall costs and fees for information sessions by community groups and individuals related to the upcoming referendum.
Councillors last night also reaffirmed their commitment to the Uluru Statement of the Heart made in 2022.