A committee of Fremantle Council will meet next week to consider the replacement of the roof over the indoor pools at the Fremantle Leisure Centre.
The pavilion structure over the Leisure Centre's 25-metre and family leisure pools was constructed in 1996.
In October last year the lightweight polycarbonate roof covering the pavilion had to be removed due to storm damage. Since then, the pools have continued to operate without the roof.
On Wednesday the council's Finance, Policy, Operations and Legislation Committee will consider tenders to replace the roof.
The project will include the remediation and repainting of the existing steel structure, installation of new roof and wall sheeting, upgrades to electrical services and the installation of new café blinds.
Subject to the committee's acceptance of the tender and an additional budget allocation, the replacement of the roof is scheduled to begin in September and be completed before Christmas.
Fremantle Mayor Hannah Fitzhardinge said it was important to get the roof back on as soon as possible.
"It's well known that the current construction market is very heated, and while unfortunately costs have gone up, this project is a clear priority for our community and we don't feel it can wait," Mayor Fitzhardinge said.
"In fact, we're aware of other councils who haven't had any responses to similar tenders, so we're grateful that we have a recommended contractor.
"Unfortunately, the indoor pools will have to be closed for the duration of the project, so we apologise for the inconvenience that will cause for our Leisure Centre members, swim squads and casual swimmers.
"There will never be an ideal time to carry out these works, so the recommendation is to just bite the bullet and get on with it.
"All of the Leisure Centre's other facilities will remain open, including the outdoor 50-metre pool which is heated to a comfortable 26-28 degrees.
"The centre's staff have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to plan what our programs and services will look like while the roof is being replaced and to minimise the disruption.
"Should they wish to, Leisure Centre members will be able to suspend their memberships during the construction period.
"The upside to this disruption is that the new roof will be installed in time for summer and will create a cooler indoor environment and offer much better UV protection than the previous sheeting.
"At the end of the project our indoor pools will have a fresh new look and feel, and will be a lot more comfortable for our patrons."
The Fremantle Leisure Centre has four heated pools - an eight-lane 50 metre outdoor pool, an undercover 25-metre pool, playground pool and a program pool for therapy and rehabilitation.
It also has a fully equipped fitness centre supervised by qualified gym staff, and offers a range of group fitness classes including yoga, pilates, zumba and circuits.
Full membership at the leisure centre includes unlimited access to the pools and fitness centre, entry to group fitness classes, a fitness appraisal and exercise program designed by qualified professionals, use of the creche, free parking and a 20 per cent discount in the sports shop.