Council Unveils Plan To Deliver Over 4000 New Homes

Armidale Regional Council

Armidale Regional Council endorsed a draft Local Housing Strategy (LHS) for public exhibition on Wednesday, building on a bold new growth agenda articulated in the recently adopted Local Strategic Planning Statement: Toward 50,000.

Toward 50,000 outlines a plan to broaden the economic base of the region by enabling 4000 new jobs by 2043. If achieved, this jobs growth will result in an additional 10,000 people moving to the region.

Mayor Sam Coupland said the Housing Strategy was an important piece of the puzzle to set the region up for success.

"When I was elected Mayor on 12 January 2022, I had a very clear vision for the future of our region. We have all the ingredients for success, I want us to seize the opportunities and be a region that capitalises on our potential.

"Affordable, diverse, and sustainable housing is a key ingredient for a thriving region and we as a Council intend to ensure that there is ample supply of well-located land for the homes needed for a growing population.

"The LHS will guide the delivery of housing over the next 20 years to meet the needs of new residents as well as those who already call our region home," said Mayor Coupland.

The State Government recently said that NSW was in a housing crisis and that through the National Housing Accord, local councils and the NSW Government agreed to work together to look at every opportunity to address this crisis.

Regional NSW has been allocated a minimum target of 55,000 new homes over the next 5 years.

The draft LHS will be on public exhibition for 28 days and any feedback can be made via the Your Say Page

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