Council wishes to provide the community with the following update in respect to Development Application 2020/162 – Residential Subdivision Corowa.
On Wednesday, August 18, the NSW Land and Environment Court determined to allow the applicant to rely on amended plans for the Class One Proceedings relating to Development Application 2020/162.
In light of this ruling, the amended plans will now be on public exhibition, and are available to be viewed on Council's website.
Any person wishing to make a submission in relation to the revised plans should do so in writing, addressed to the General Manager, Federation Council, PO Box 77, Corowa NSW 2646 or email to [email protected].
Submissions will be received up to 5pm, September 3, 2021. Where a submission is by way of an objection, the grounds of the objections are required to be specified in the submission.
The amended plans pictured above identify the following changes and/or further information received since the application was lodged with Council in August 2020:
- Reduction in lot numbers to 306, comprised of:
a. 137 Lots (Northern Parcel).
b. 169 Lots (Southern Parcel).
- Increase in lot widths & parcel areas to be greater than the minimum in DCP.
- Updated plans to show the following:
a. Parcel dimensions & areas shown.
b. Parcel contours & vegetation (existing conditions) shown.
c. Relevant abutting service connections shown.
- Updated Environmental Impact ('Test of Significance report') to include Road Reserve & Koala Assessment ('Koala Assessment report').
- Traffic Impact Report ('Revised TIA') updated to include traffic assessment beyond area of development, closer to town.
- Provision of Social Impact Assessment Report to assess potential social impact of proposed development.
- Updated Aboriginal Due Diligence Assessment.
Northern Parcel
- Drainage Reserve size increased 3669sqm.
- Access Street Road Reserves adjusted to Local Distributor (30m wide), Typical Collector Street (22m wide) & Local Access (20m).
- Added area of Public Open Space 3450sqm Reserve.
- Three Access/Egress Roads to Tower Street.
- Bus Stop Locations along Cemetery Road added.
- 11 Lots Access from Redlands Road.
- Zero Lots Access from Cemetery Road.
- 4 Lots Access from Tower Street.
- Formalised pedestrian access identified.
- Carparking provision and layout along Cemetery Road to preserve vegetation.
- Pre-existing sewer connection honoured by amendment to Lot Layout Design.
Southern Parcel
- Drainage Reserve 6117sqm.
- Access Street Road Reserves adjusted to Local Distributor (30m wide), Typical Collector Street (22m wide) & Local Access (20m).
- Increased Public Open Space abutting Barber Street (Cemetery Road maintained).
- Increased width of Drain Reserve for vehicular access (maintenance).
- Bus Stop Locations along Cemetery Road added.
- Zero Lots Access from Cemetery Road.
- Formalised pedestrian access identified.
- Carparking provision and layout along Cemetery Road to preserve vegetation.
The proposed development for 335 lot residential lots to be delivered in 13 stages, involves removal of native vegetation, demolition of existing buildings, creation of three public reserves for the purposes of drainage and public open space and associated civil works at 169-199 Redlands Road and 42-80 Cemetery Road, Corowa.