Council Welcomes $1B Announcement Towards New Airport Connection

Council welcomes the Federal Government's announcement of a $1 billion commitment to secure a new railway corridor connecting Sydney southwest residents to the new Western Sydney Airport.

This outcome is a direct result of sustained advocacy from Campbelltown and other local communities, who have long called for better transport infrastructure to support our region's growth.

A new railway corridor will be crucial in linking Macarthur to the Bradfield Aerotropolis and beyond, fostering economic development, easing road congestion, and strengthening connectivity across Western Sydney.

"This commitment to invest is great news for our community and the wider region. We have been advocating for this connection for many years, and today's announcement from the Prime Minister, The Hon. Anthony Albanese is a step towards making it a reality," Mayor Cr Darcy Lound said.

"A dedicated rail corridor will ensure we can accommodate future population growth, create new economic opportunities, and provide our residents with better access to jobs, education, and essential services," Cr Lound said.

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