Council welcomes $3.5 million in Vic Gov support for landmark precinct

A landmark community precinct in the heart of Baw Baw Shire is one step closer to reality, with Council welcoming $3.5 million in Victorian Government support for the project.

The $30 million Baw Baw Culture and Connection Precinct aspires to build on existing underutilised areas surrounding the West Gippsland Arts Centre and Civic Park in Warragul, and is planned to include:

  • A new community library, including a children's library, maker's space, video gaming, reading, collection and study areas.
  • Art and cultural space.
  • Community meeting rooms.
  • Consulting rooms.
  • Co-working spaces.
  • Café
  • Rooftop terrace.
  • Public amenities such as parent's room and Changing Places facility.
  • Plaza and pedestrian connection to the West Gippsland Arts Centre.
  • Underground parking.

Baw Baw Shire Council has pledged a $10 million investment towards the project, with advocacy efforts well underway towards securing matching $10 million contributions from both the State and Federal Governments to deliver this regionally significant facility.

Today's announcement of $3.5 million from the Victorian Government's Growing Suburbs Fund is welcomed by Council as a significant step towards building this vital community infrastructure for the residents of Baw Baw Shire.

If further funding arrangements can be secured, Council plans to develop full designs with community input this year. Procurement and project commencement will then progress in the 2022-23 financial year.

To learn more about the Baw Baw Culture and Connection Precinct visit Major Projects (

To learn more about how Baw Baw Shire Council is advocating for the needs of our community, visit Advocacy Priorities (

Quotes attributable to Mayor Cr Michael Leaney

"Today's funding announcement from the Victorian Government is tremendously exciting. Baw Baw Shire is one of the fastest growing municipalities in Victoria. It is so crucial that we build for our future today. We need investment, not only from Council but also from the State and Federal Governments, to meet the community and social infrastructure needs of our rapidly growing community.

On behalf of Baw Baw Shire Council, I want to thank the Victorian Government for recognising the needs of our region and showing their support with this $3.5 million contribution towards the Baw Baw Culture and Connection Precinct.

I think it really shows that our message is getting through. We're not quite there yet, but Baw Baw residents can rest assured that we will continue advocating hard on behalf of our community to secure the rest of the funding we need to make this vital social infrastructure a reality."

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