Councillor Learning And Development In Tasmania

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Government is working with councils and the Local Government Association on improving councillor education.

The Local Government Association of Tasmania will now take the lead on administering the councillor Learning and Development Framework.

Minister for Local Government, Kerry Vincent, said the transition empowers the sector to take ownership of the Framework, ensuring it remains fit-for-purpose.

"We want councillors to have the skills and knowledge they need to make informed decisions on behalf of their community, and the Learning and Development Framework forms a key part of this," he said.

"Our early investment, backed by close collaboration with LGAT and the broader sector to establish this Framework, is setting a standard for councillor education across Tasmania.

"With the core components now in place, LGAT is ideally positioned to take the lead in ensuring the Framework evolves in step with sector needs, while remaining both relevant and financially sustainable."

The transfer of the Framework is set to be complete by 1 July 2025, ensuring LGAT has ample time to solidify the Framework ahead of the upcoming local government elections in October 2026.

The Government is progressing an ambitious local government reform agenda as part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future, with new legislative provisions expected later in 2025 to mandate councillor learning and development requirements.

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