Council's Six Month Progress Report Endorsed

Port Stephen

Port Stephens Council has adopted its Six Month Progress Report for July to December 2024, showcasing significant achievements and progress against its Delivery Program 2022 to 2026.

General Manager Tim Crosdale said he was pleased with the progress and delivery of Council services and facilities to our community.

"Over the last six months, we've focused on welcoming new leadership, delivering on our key priorities and connecting with our community," Mr Crosdale said.

"A major highlight during this period was the successful transition in leadership, welcoming our new Mayor in November along with our team of Councillors, including 5 newly elected members.

We've worked closely with the new leadership to understand their priorities and our community's needs.

"We undertook our second Liveability Index Survey where over 2300 community members participated – helping shape future planning and strengthening our conversations.

"Housing remains a key priority with Council continuing explore innovative options to provide a diverse housing mix to meet current and future needs. We were also recognised as having the fastest development application processing timeframes in the Hunter region.

"We've been continuing to improve roads through State and Federal grants and the additional revenue from the Special Rate Variation, allowing us to improve community connections and road safety.

Environmental protection has also been a priority, with our Coastal Management Plan receiving certification from the NSW Minister for Environment. This plan will provide Council with a framework to protect Port Stephens coastal assets now and into the future.

"Community education and connections also played an important role during this period with several initiatives focusing on reducing waste such as Good for the Hood, Give a Sheet, and Garage Trail Sale.

"These achievements are only a snapshot of the work we've done over the past 6 months.

"I encourage everyone to read over the full report to see how we're delivering for our community," Mr Crosdale added.

Report highlights:

  • 511,000 + beach and aquatic centre visits
  • 58,500+ Kids Thrive childcare places filled
  • 860 new library members
  • 352 hours of weed treatment
  • 1 tonne of textile waste reused
  • $14.7 million on transport infrastructure repairs
  • 2300 community members participating in our Liveability Survey
  • Continued to have the fastest DA approval timeframe in the region
  • Certification of the Coastal Management Plan (CMP)
  • Koala Sanctuary winning a silver Award in Tourism Attraction

To read the full report, visit,

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