COVID-19 Border Controls and Compliance Checks

Police have issued a second infringement notice for failing to abide by the Chief Health Officer Directions issued under section 56 of the Public and Environmental Health Act 2011.

On 1 April 2020, a compliance check was conducted at a residence in Rapid Creek revealing a 46-year-old man was not at home in self-quarantine, as he was required to be. The man was contacted and directed to return home immediately. On his arrival, NT Police issued an infringement notice to the man for failing to abide by the directions of the Chief Health Officer.

The infringement penalty for an individual is $1,099 and $5,495 for a business.

NT Police, Public and Environmental Health officers and Australian Defence Force are undertaking self-quarantine compliance checks to ensure people are completing their 14 days quarantine.

In addition to compliance activity, the teams will also be monitoring social distancing, enforcing the public gathering limit of ten persons, and strongly advising Territorians to observe the two person limit, where possible.

The key message to all Territorians is to "Stay home, if you can".

The public can be assured that fines will be issued to anyone not respecting the community and doing the right thing.

Please find below statistics up until 8am, Thursday 2 April 2020:

Number required to quarantine


Compliance Checks


Fines issued


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