CPMC Appoints Jodie Long as New CEO

Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges

The Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges (CPMC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jodie Long as its new Chief Executive Officer. With extensive leadership experience in the healthcare sector, Jodie brings a strong strategic vision and a deep commitment to strengthening Australia's medical colleges and the broader healthcare system.

CPMC President, Dr Sanjay Jeganathan, said the appointment is at a pivotal time for the organisation.

"The role of medical colleges in ensuring the highest standards of medical education, training, and practice is critical to the health of our communities. With Jodie Long at the helm, CPMC is well-positioned to continue advocating for a strong, viable, and sustainable medical workforce across Australia," Dr Sanjay Jeganathan

With a proven track record in executive roles across healthcare, professional associations, and healthcare corporations, Jodie has served as CEO of the Australasian Sonographers Association for several years and, most recently, Speech Pathology Australia. She has successfully led high-impact initiatives, navigated complex regulatory environments, and driven organisational transformation. Jodie's expertise ensures she is well-equipped to strengthen our partnerships and support CPMC's mission.

In her new role, Jodie will be focused on fostering partnerships, driving strategic initiatives, supporting advocacy efforts and enhancing operational effectiveness. Jodie's collaborative approach and deep industry knowledge will be instrumental in ensuring we continue our strong relationships.

"I am honoured to lead CPMC at such a pivotal time. Medical colleges play an essential role in shaping the future of healthcare, and I look forward to working closely with government, policymakers, and health leaders to ensure our medical workforce is well-supported to deliver high-quality care where and when it is needed," Jodie Long said.

With a clear vision for collaboration and innovation, CPMC remains dedicated to addressing workforce challenges, advocating for evidence-based policy, and ensuring Australia's health system continues to deliver strong outcomes for all communities.

About us:

The Council of Presidents of Medical Colleges is the peak industry body for Australia's medical colleges.

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