It's a very busy time for HRCC Councillors, staff and our community.
The Parking Management Plan feedback closed last week, the Community Vision closes 22 May and will feed into the Council Plan via the Community Panel over the next few weeks, and the Draft Budget is open for community comments.
These are all very important for the future of our community.
Many in the community have made comments that they don't feel it's worth commenting as they are not heard, but I can assure you, we are listening, so please put in your comments, ideas or dreams for our community. Many live here because of the "country" lifestyle with city benefits, but there are always improvements we can make, so chat to others and submit your thoughts, I look forward to reading them.
If you are struggling with writing your thoughts for the future of our rural city, you may find it easier to go to the Council website and scroll down to Community Vision Forum and share your one big idea for our future. (you can also upload pictures). Others can comment on ideas on this forum, so please respect other ideas, and build on them, and comment politely.
I made a commitment to all residents, if elected, I would commit to target reductions in waste and spending, keeping rates fair to all including the farming sector, and reduce money spent on endless consultants.
I also promised to be honest, responsible, accountable and support decision making on matters that offer the greatest net community benefits for services, facilities, and infrastructure, no matter where you live in the municipality, and what age or ability.
As Councillors, we must consider matters fairly, and make decisions which are balanced, ethical and impartial and on merits, free from favouritism or self-interest and without regard to irrelevant or unauthorised considerations.
We take ultimate responsibility for the performance of Council and are accountable to the ratepayers and community.
I pledged to be approachable to listen to all residents equally. If you do not understand my stance on a project or service, then ask and I will explain. I research thoroughly, ask for community input and work hard to fully understand all aspects prior to making decisions on behalf of the community.