Crackdown on Illegal Hunting During Deer Season

Tasmania Police, in partnership with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE Tas), conducted a joint operation in the Central Highlands over the weekend to ensure compliance with hunting regulations and promote public safety.

"During the operation, police and NRE Tas officers intercepted and inspected over 140 vehicles. The vast majority of hunters were found to be operating within the law, and we commend those who are adhering to regulations and hunting responsibly," said Inspector Luke Horne.

"We want to make it clear that Tasmania Police supports licensed hunters who follow the rules, but we will not tolerate illegal activity. Those who trespass or cause damage not only put themselves at risk but also undermine the efforts of responsible hunters."

"We appreciate the cooperation of the hunting community and thank the NRE Tas officers involved in this operation."

"Joint enforcement efforts such as this will continue throughout the year to ensure public safety, and raises awareness of firearms and hunting laws."

Hunting related information is available at –

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