The West Coast Council in partnership with KPMG is pleased to present the draft copy of the new Liveable Communities Strategy, now open for public comment.
This strategy is the result of comprehensive community and stakeholder engagement andconsultation on the issue of ageing on the West Coast and is a product of Council's promise to address aged care needs and deficienciesin the region. Multiple tiers of government were also consulted in this process to ensure the end result was not just idealistic but achievable. The West Coast Liveable Communities Strategy was created to help drive priorities such as greater medical services and greater access to aged and respite care - needs that were identified by our community in the West Coast Community Plan 2025.
The Strategy contains a comprehensive analysis of the current West Coast situation regarding health, ageing and access. It clearly identifies a series of short, medium and long-term solutions, that when implemented, will enhance the liveability of the West Coast community well into the future for our ageing population.
Additionally, The Strategy outlines a 'roadmap' of the types of services required by an ageing population and explains these services in detail and where gaps might exist for service delivery on the West Coast.
Mayor Phil Vickers said, "The Council is excited to present this draft strategy to the community for final consultation before we look to adopt the comprehensive document. Council can then get on with implementing the many positive and innovative actions identified in the strategy. There was a critical need to have this work done given our ageing population, but it's only a start point. We must implement the actions arising if we are to see change and real benefits emerge in our many communities."
Implementation of the Strategy will remain a high priority for the Council but can only be fully achieved in partnership with a range of important stakeholders in the public, private and non-profit sectors, and with full community support. Therefore, West Coast Council invites the whole of the community to read and provide comment on the strategy. It can be found here.
Specific Answers to commonly asked questions that you might have can also be found here.