- More than $625,000 to help schools connect with Western Australian arts organisations and creative practitioners
- Creativity for Schools 2024-25 collaboration and residency program supports 17 projects
- Funding to increase access for students and teachers to engage in enriched learning through arts experiences
Students, teachers and school communities can look forward to creative learning experiences coming to their classrooms with a major investment connecting artists and arts organisations to Western Australian schools.
Made possible through Cook Government culture and the arts funding, 12 projects will share $525,721 in grants from the 2024-25 collaboration round of the Creativity for Schools program.
Another five projects will share $99,974 in grants from the Term 4 2024 residency round of the Creativity for Schools program.
Totalling $625,695, the collaboration funding aims to connect WA arts organisations and artists with schools, while the residency funding supports artists-in-residence across multiple school environments.
These projects will embed creativity across curriculum areas, increase access to the arts, and allow students, teachers and school communities the opportunity to enrich their learning in a fun and engaging way.
An initiative of Creative WA, the WA Government's 10-year vision to grow culture, arts, and the creative industries, the Creativity for Schools program is administered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.
The recipients of the 2024-25 Creativity for Schools collaboration round are:
- Alta-1 College Ltd - $59,800 for Creativity with Project-based Learning in Middle School;
- Bassendean Primary School - $60,000 for Night/Time;
- Camboon Primary School - $41,283 for Nature Play and Playing with Nature;
- Great Southern Grammar Inc - $57,066 for Backyard Possum Encounter;
- Kristy Nita Brown - $59,974 for Book Builders Challenge;
- Newdegate Primary School - $31,700 for Newdegate - Then and Now;
- Phoenix Primary School - $27,300 for Empowering Year 6 Students through Video Podcast Creation;
- Shire of Plantagenet - $13,700 for Amplify: The Band Experience;
- Southern Forest Arts - $60,000 for Boodja Ni (Koodjal): Expanding the yarning circle;
- Studio Schools of Australia Ltd - $23,126 for Manjali Music Residency;
- Theatre Kimberley Incorporated - $60,000 for Growing up Circus in the Kimberley; and
- West Coast Steiner School Inc - $31,772 for "Kaart, Koort, Maara - Head, Heart and Hands.
The recipients of the Term 4 2024 Creativity for Schools residency round are:
- Bassendean Primary School - $20,000 for The Bilya Project 2025: Stories of Us;
- Bremer Bay Primary School - $20,000 for Bremer Bay Way Nature Walkway Residency;
- Cara Ratajczak - $20,000 for Wooditjup Bilya Project;
- Theatre Kimberley Incorporated - $19,974 for Arts Impact at the Crossing; and
- Woodbridge Primary School - $20,000 for Koondela Waarangka Project 2025.
The next round opened on 30 January 2025 (residency) and 15 April 2025 (collaboration).
For more information on the Creativity for Schools program and recipients funded from these rounds: https://www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/cfs
Comments attributed to Culture and the Arts Minister David Templeman:
"The WA Government is bringing arts experiences to WA classrooms and school communities through 17 creative projects sharing in more than $625,000 in funding.
"The lessons and benefits students gain by incorporating creativity across curriculum areas are essential to every child's educational experience.
"With so many fantastic projects receiving funding from these rounds, it is clear that the Creativity for Schools program is providing immense value to the WA community.
"I congratulate the participating schools, artists and arts organisations for taking up this great opportunity and wish them all the best as they start their projects in 2025."