Crews Battle Mother Nature And Long Grass

MidCoast Council

With more than 2000 hectares of public space to mow, the current weather conditions are proving challenging for MidCoast Council's mowing crews.

The recent heat and rain have resulted in constant grass growth across sporting fields, parks reserves and cemeteries.

Around 1500ha is made up of parks, community use and foreshore reserves and these are on a 21-day mowing cycle.

MidCoast Council's Director of Liveable Communities Paul De Szell said crews were doing their absolute best to keep on top of maintenance.

"We look after and maintain 34 cemeteries across the MidCoast region," he said.

"Add in sports fields, reserves and other open and public spaces on top of that.

"We understand there is some frustration within the community, but crews are doing their best to keep on top of maintenance.

"We ask the community for understanding and patience as staff try and get through the backlog of work."

Learn more about the open spaces Council manages at

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