Cricket Issues Raise Doubts on Rockliff's Leadership

Tas Labor

How on earth did the Government manage to design a stadium that cricket apparently can't be played in?

Cricket is a key component of the stadium's business case, and the incompetence of leaving the sport out of plans beggars belief.

The Tasmanian Devils are kicking goal after goal off the field, helping drive great excitement among the community for their entry to the competition.

But everything to do with the project that involves the minority Liberal government seems to be struck by complications and risks falling behind.

Labor supports a stadium because it will generate desperately needed jobs and secure the AFL and AFLW teams our state deserves. We want to see it built.

This project is too important for Jeremy Rockliff to stuff up, and he needs to start providing some certainty that he can get it out of the ground.

The last thing Tasmania needs is for this project to go the same way as the Spirits, where we are left with two brand new teams, but no stadium for them to play in.

Luke Edmunds MLC

Shadow Minister for Sports and Events

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