Crime Soars to Record Highs Under Allan: Battin

Liberal Party Victoria

Crime rises to record levels under Jacinta Allan

Crime across Victoria has soared by 16 per cent in the last 12 months, and 19 per cent since Jacinta Allan took over as Premier.

The alarming data released today by the Crime Statistics Agency expose the Premier's inability to enforce law and order.

Damning statistics include:

  • Residential aggravated burglary has increased by 34 per cent since Jacinta Allan became Premier – that's 20 aggravated burglaries every day.
  • In the past 12 months, motor vehicle theft has increased by 41 per cent - equating to nearly 80 cars stolen every day.
  • Thefts from motor vehicles have risen by 33 per cent.
  • Stealing from retail stores has skyrocketed by 37 per cent.

It's no wonder Victorians don't feel safe in their homes, under the Allan Labor Government – the numbers don't lie.

Over the last decade, under Labor aggravated burglaries have increased by a staggering 169 per cent.

Of most concern, is the increased rate of youth offending. Since Jacinta Allan became premier, crimes committed by teens aged 17 and under, has increased by 16 per cent.

Since 2015 youth offending has increased by 33 per cent – and Labor still hasn't fixed the youth bail laws.

Leader of the Opposition Brad Battin said the figures were a direct result of Labor's failure to enforce law and order.

"Victoria is in the grip of a crime crisis, and Jacinta Allan has done nothing to stop it. Under her watch, crime has surged by 19 per cent, and Victorians are being left to fend for themselves."

"Victorians should feel safe in their homes, their cars, and their businesses—but under Labor, crime is out of control, and communities are suffering."

"The numbers don't lie—Labor has lost control of law and order, and Victorians are paying the price."

Shadow Police Minister David Southwick says crime has skyrocketed under Jacinta Allan's watch.

"Jacinta Allan is breaking all the wrong records, proving the only industry booming in Victoria is crime. Labor has failed to manage community safety, leaving Victorians to pay the price."

"Under Premier Jacinta Allan, crime is surging—and Victorians are paying the price. A 19 per cent rise in crime since she took office is a damning indictment of Labor's failure to keep our communities safe."

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