Critical Incident Declared After Mans Death At Griffith

A critical incident investigation is underway after the death of a man in the states Riverina region.

On Wednesday afternoon (19 March 2025), officers attached to Murrumbidgee Police District received a report of a concern for welfare in relation to a 41-year-old man.

About 12.15am (Thursday 20 March 2025), police attended a home on Griffin Avenue, Griffith, where they located the body of the man.

A crime scene was established and examined by specialist forensic police.

A report will be prepared for the information of the Coroner.

A critical incident investigation team from Murray River Police District will now investigate the circumstances surrounding the incident and the police actions following the initial report.

The investigation will be subject of an independent review by teh Professional Standards Command and oversight by teh Law Enforcement Conduct Commission.

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