Crucial Year-End Financial Data for Small Businesses

Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman

"If needed, we encourage talking with trusted advisers like accountants and bookkeepers and government agencies such as the Tax Office and the Fair Work Ombudsman which have extensive resources to help.

"With so many pressures on busy small business leaders as we near the end of the financial year it can be a stressful time and easy to overlook new and changing rules.

"The end of the financial year is also a good time to not just have a stocktake but to take stock of the health of your business and yourself and to make use of the many helpful resources, tools and checklists available, including on our website

"But please be alert to scams as the end of the financial year is also a time when scammers try to trick small businesses either by impersonating official agencies such as the Tax Office or by offering unrealistic deals."

Below, are some of the changes. It is not a complete list and other changes may affect a business are specific to industry sectors or states.

National Minimum Wage and Award Rate

The National Minimum Wage will increase by 3.75% to $915.90 per week, or $24.10 per hour.

Minimum award wages will increase by 3.75%.

Both changes are effective from the first full pay period starting on or after 1 July.

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