CSIRO, Fleming Initiative Honor Female AMR Trailblazers


The Fleming Initiative and Australia's national science agency, CSIRO, have co-designed a new award programme to recognise the achievements of up to 20 women around the world who are leading and inspiring action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

AMR occurs when disease-causing microbes can resist the effects of medicines, such as antibiotics, designed to kill them. This growing global problem is accelerated by the inappropriate use (overuse, underuse, and misuse) of antimicrobials in humans and animals.

Lord Ara Darzi, Executive Chair of the Fleming Initiative, said Trailblazers in AMR will showcase the pioneering work being undertaken to address AMR across the various disciplines and sectors that comprise a One Health approach (human, animal, and environmental health).

"In 2024, the global community came together to drive collective action and sign a political declaration on AMR at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York," Lord Darzi said.

"We now need to ensure we support those advocates and innovators who are helping to reduce the impact of AMR and halt the rising death rate and economic impact of drug-resistant infections."

Launching in the lead-up to International Women's Day, the Trailblazers initiative will collaborate with leading organisations in the AMR space to identify nominees which will then be evaluated by an international panel of judges.

CSIRO Director, Health & Biosecurity Professor Brett Sutton said that the initiative will recognise a broad range of approaches, from cutting-edge research to community engagement.

"The Female Trailblazers in AMR initiative will showcase the diverse contributions of women across this spectrum, from research and development to eduation, policy, communications, law, and more," Professor Sutton said.

"Everyone has a role to play in tackling this complex problem and CSIRO is proud to partner with the Fleming Initiative to highlight this important work."

The achievements of the Trailblazers will be celebrated and amplified through prominent profiles featured in a dedicated section of the Fleming Initiative website. These profiles will showcase the Trailblazers' diverse expertise and contributions to minimising the impact of AMR and provide opportunities for them to connect with fellow experts, potential collaborators, and a global audience.

Professor Dame Sally Davies, the UK Special Envoy on AMR, is the patron of the inaugural Female Trailblazers in AMR initiative.

"I am inspired by the leadership of women all across the world who are tackling AMR with their expertise, innovation and dedication," Professor Davies said.

"By celebrating and showcasing their efforts, I hope the next generation is inspired to take action against AMR."

Nominations will open on 6 March with recipients to be announced in Q3, 2025.

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