Guy Barnett,Minister for State Development, Construction and Housing
The Tasmanian Government understands that running a business is hard enough without having to try to cut through red tape just to keep operating, so we are acting on behalf of Tasmania's business owners and operators to reduce regulatory hurdles and delays.
The latest report from the Red Tape Reduction Coordinator and Small Business Advocate shows that since the last report another 37 red tape issues were identified with 16 now rectified and the remaining items making strong progress towards resolution.
Overwhelmingly, what we hear from businesses is that one of the biggest challenges they face is unnecessary or drawn-out processes just to get the permits and approvals they need to operate.
Significant achievements highlighted in the latest Red Tape Audit Report include:
- The introduction of statutory service standards and deadlines for the connection of power to homes and businesses, meaning homeowners, businesses and large-scale investors can now factor solid timeframes into their developments and avoid long waiting periods.
- The development of an online portal for the heavy haulage sector, the first of its kind in Australia, which identifies route options and whether a permit is needed for any sections of travel.
- Commencement of a review of the regulation governing the establishment and operation of agri-tourism businesses including farm stays, wineries and paddock-to-plate experiences to identify opportunities to reduce compliance costs, timeframes and other barriers to entry.
- Commencement of the Distillery (Whisky & Spirits) Regulatory Review into the rules covering the production of whisky, gin and other distilled products with particular focus on work, health and safety and building standards.
All up, since we commenced our red tape reduction program in 2014, 166 issues have now been identified with 141 fixed.
This represents an 85 per cent success rate so far in removing red tape issues with the outstanding matters being progressed towards fair, reasonable and workable solutions.
Anyone with evidence of what they believe to be a red tape issue is encouraged to bring it forward and we'll see if it can be fixed.
By working to reduce red tape we're letting business owners get on with what they do best, running their business.
The latest Red Tape Audit Report is available on the Office of the Coordinator-General's website at and red tape issues can also be submitted there.