The academia-industry cooperation intensity at TU/e is one of the strongest in the world. In the CWTS Leiden Ranking 2021, which was published this week, TU/e takes the fourth spot worldwide, and number one in The Netherlands. TU/e has been among the top performing institutions ever since the inception of the CWTS-ranking in 2009.
This position is mainly thanks to the high number of research papers of TU/e with industry in the subareas of Physical Sciences and Engineering and Mathematics and Computer Science. Key industrial research partners of TU/e include Royal Philips, ASML, NXP Semiconductors, Signify and DAF PACCAR, which are all located within Brainport Region Eindhoven.
TU/e's ranks fourth on the CWTS-ranking of large research universities (universities with over 5000 publications in the relevant period) on the percentage of papers produced together with industrial partners (PP industry). If petrol universities are filtered out, TU/e ranks second.
"CWTS consistently confirms our top position when it comes to joining forces with industry", says Robert-Jan Smits, President of TU/e. "It shows we are superbly positioned in the innovation-ecosystem of the Brainport region, which is home to a range of international high-tech powerhouses with multibillion turnovers. We have strong research ties with all of them, making us truly the beating heart of the Brainport Eindhoven region. Through cooperation we boost competitiveness and sustainability."
The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2021 is based on the research output of universities worldwide in the years 2016-2019. It is based on data from the Web of Science database of Clarivate Analytics, the largest academic research database worldwide.