Cyber at centre of Defence capability grants for Aussie small businesses

Department of Defence

The Morrison Government's strong focus on cyber security has been reinforced in the awarding of up to $3.6 million in grants to 12 small-to-medium businesses as part of a new industry engagement initiative.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price launched the initiative, called the Industry Competitive Evaluation Research Agreement (ICERA), in August last year.

"ICERA recognises the growing importance and capability of Australian small-to-medium businesses and nowhere is this clearer than in the cyber security domain," Minister Price said.

The ICERA grants will provide $36 million over six years, funded through Defence's Next Generation Technologies Fund (NGTF), with the $3.6 million announced today to be the first round of grants awarded.

Six of the 22 successful ICERA grants focused on creating innovative cyber security capabilities.

The other research projects cover Enhanced Human Performance, Integrated ISR, Quantum Technologies and Advanced Sensors.

"I am particularly pleased to announce that two of these initial ICERA partnerships are with businesses new to Defence," Minister Price said.

"The ICERA program aims to support small-to-medium businesses that are critical to enhancing our tactical and strategic edge as Australia's strategic context continues to evolve."

The following 12 ICERA partners will receive up to $300,000 each.


  • Breakaway Consulting Pty Ltd, NSW
  • InfoSect, ACT
  • Insight Via Artificial Intelligence, SA
  • Jaywick Group Pty Ltd, NSW
  • Mentum Systems, ACT
  • Spinlock Security, NSW


  • Critus, NSW


  • Quantitative, NSW
  • Biosensis, SA


  • Fivecast Pty Ltd, SA
  • Safran Electronics & Defence Australasia Pty Ltd (SEDA), NSW


  • Cryoclock, SA

The remaining ICERA outcomes will be announced as arrangements are finalised.

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