Cyber Innovation Hub joins sbarc|spark

Cardiff University

The Cyber Innovation Hub (CIH) has taken space with Cardiff Innovations at sbarc|spark – Cardiff's newest home for spinouts and startups.

The move will boost CIH's mission to transform the Cardiff Capital Region into a leading UK cyber security cluster by 2030, initially funded by Welsh Government and the Cardiff Capital Region Deal.

Creating a pipeline of new cyber products, high-growth businesses and talent, the £20m initiative aims to establish high-growth companies, develop new cyber security products and train 1,750 people in cyber skills.

CIH Director, Professor Pete Burnap, said: "We are delighted to be joining the sbarc|spark family. As Cardiff's Home of Innovation, sbarc|spark offers us collaborative co-working space alongside industry partners, start-ups and internationally recognised research academics. In addition, it gives access to professional support services and business advice that can help CIH develop innovative ways to pipeline world class ideas from academic settings into cutting edge commercial solutions."

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