Cyclist Hit In Fail To Stop Crash - Bass Hill

A teenage cyclist has been taken to hospital after he was hit in a fail to stop crash in Bass Hill overnight.

About 10.30pm yesterday (Sunday 2 March 2025), police were patrolling the Hume Highway, Bass Hill, when they located a person on the road.

Officers attached to Bankstown Police Area Command arrived to find that an e-bike had been hit by an unknown vehicle before it left the scene.

The rider – a 14-year-old boy – was treated by NSW Ambulance paramedics for serious leg and pelvic injuries before being taken to the Children's Hospital at Westmead in a serious but stable condition.

Police have established a crime scene and officers attached to Crash Investigation Unit are investigating the incident.

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 or Information is treated in strict confidence. The public is reminded not to report information via NSW Police social media pages.

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