Cyclone Alfred Victims Grill Treasurer on Coal, Gas

Rising Tide

Brisbane: Two Brisbane residents interrupted the Federal Treasurer's post ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred budget speech this morning, drawing attention to the Labor party's ongoing support for climate-wrecking coal and gas.

As Jim Chalmers announced the Federal Government's response to the cyclone, the two Rising Tide activists took to the stage and unfurled banners that read, "No New Coal or Gas" and asked the Treasurer directly: "Australians can't afford worse climate disasters. When will Labor stop approving new coal and gas?"

Paul Gabbert (age 63), a community worker who confronted the Treasurer on stage said: "While we welcome the Federal Government providing $1.2 billion to help pay for the recovery effort from ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred, these costs on the taxpayer will keep going up unless they stop making the problem worse by approving new coal and gas projects.

"Since the Albanese Government came to power, after the devastating floods of 2022, they have approved 19 fossil fuel projects that are turbocharging the climate crisis, making unnatural disasters like cyclones, fires, floods, and heatwaves worse."

Clancy (age 23), a student who also took to the stage said: "It's not normal for these kinds of weather events to hit this far south. For the first time, many Brisbane residents were fearing for their safety in preparation for the cyclone. As a young person, it's terrifying to think this will be the new normal.

"When will the Government put the safety and livelihoods of Australians ahead of the profits of billionaire corporations? Coal and gas corporations are raking in profits, while we foot the bill."

The two activists were removed from the stage by security and removed from the premises.

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