COP29 started today Monday 11 November in Baku, Azerbaidjan. For WMO, the launch of the State of Global Climate 2024 Update is the highlight, together with the Earth Information Day, where several members of the WMO delegation took the floor.
What you need to know
- Red alert: WMO has issued a Red Alert as the State of the Global Climate Update confirms that 2024 is on track to be the hottest year on record-surpassing even 2023, which broke all previous records. Read the full update .
- New report launched: The latest State of Climate Services report, a key resource for building climate resilience and adaptation, was launched last week. With the growing impacts of climate change, these services are more critical than ever. Explore the report .
- Everything you need to know about COP: Do you have questions about climate change and COP? IISD has the answers, breaking down international agreements, history, and more. It's a must-read article !
- Press conference: The State of Global Climate 2024 Update was released on the opening day of COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The report underscores that the ambitions of the Paris Agreement are in great peril. Watch the recording .
- Earth Information Day 2024: Key updates on Earth observation were shared, featuring discussions on critical topics like climate change mitigation and adaptation, addressing loss and damage, resilience to extreme events, technological innovation, and enhancing observation in vulnerable regions and ecosystems. Watch the recording .
- AMCOMET (RA I) High-Level Event: Launch of the Implementation Plan for the Integrated African Strategy on Meteorology. Learn more .
- World Leaders Climate Action Summit (WLCAS): His Excellency Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan, has invited Heads of State and Government to participate in this critical summit. Overview schedule .
- China's High-Level Meeting: Focused on Early Warnings for All: Together for Future Climate Adaptation.
- Tajikistan's High-Level Event: Glaciers 2025: Taking Global Action on Glaciers' Preservation.
Post of the day

Slide of the day

Global Mean Temperature from 1850 to 2024
Youth at COP29
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