Today's Operation Sandon report by the Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) sheds new light on the culture of secrecy and cover-ups that's been allowed to flourish under Premier Daniel Andrews.
IBAC revealed how property developer John Woodman was able to gain regular access to the Premier and senior ministers.
This included paying $50,000 to become a platinum member of a secret and exclusive fundraising body and $10,000 to have an exclusive lunch with the Premier.
It was revealed the Premier met with Mr Woodman on a number of occasions and in 2019 asked a Labor lobbyist to pass on his regret about the Government deferring a decision on a planning matter that impacted the developer.
IBAC was told Phillip Staindl gave Mr Woodman's telephone number to Mr Andrews as the Premier said he'd like to call him. It found the Premier praised Mr Woodman and attacked a journalist who was pursuing the developer.
IBAC rejected the Premier's account of the 2019 conversation between Mr Woodman and Mr Staindl and found the general tenor of the conversation was as Mr Staindl described including the attack on the journalist.
Put simply, IBAC rejected the evidence of Victoria's most senior political figure and preferred the account of a lobbyist.
This damning report shines further light on the culture of secrecy, cover-ups, cosy relationships, dodgy payments and favours for mates that's flourished under Daniel Andrews.
The Premier won't apologise for cancelling the Commonwealth Games but he's happy to apologise to a property developer who paid thousands of dollars to get access to him.
If you have enough money and the right connections you can have lunch with the Premier and do business with the Andrews Government.
A Government led by an evasive Premier who refuses to take any responsibility. You can't rely on anything he says.