Dangerous Driving Incident At Bridport

Police will be proceeding against a 25-year-old Bridport man with traffic offences after he was observed hooning and driving dangerously in Bridport on Friday night.

About 10.10pm, a grey Mazda 3 sedan was witnessed travelling north on Main Street, Bridport when it reportedly overtook another vehicle at high speed in a 50km/h zone before proceeding through a roundabout and travelling on the incorrect side of the road at speed. At the time there were pedestrians in the area.

The vehicle was intercepted by police and the vehicle was clamped for 90 days.

Anyone with information about this incident or who has dash cam footage of a grey Mazda 3 sedan travelling on Main Street at this time is urged to contact Scottsdale Police Station on 131 444 or Crime Stoppers Tasmania anonymously on 1800 333 000 or at crimestopperstas.com.au

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