Dangerous on-demand alcohol delivery puts children and families at risk of harm

Alcohol Change Victoria

There are concerns on-demand alcohol delivery is fuelling a wave of violence in Victorian homes, with a new survey revealing more than a third of on-demand users reported verbal or physical abuse or fear due to a person affected by alcohol at least once in the last 12 months.

The survey, from Alcohol Change Vic, highlights the dangers of on-demand alcohol delivery services with more than half (57%) of weekly users reporting they were regularly intoxicated when they received their orders.

Just under a quarter (24%) of 18–24-year old's who used the services either weren't checked for ID or didn't personally receive their order.

The research follows the Victorian Government's introduction of a Bill to change liquor laws, which will be debated in the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday next week.

Alcohol Change Victoria spokesperson Sarah Jackson, called on the Victorian Government to act now to strengthen the Bill by introducing safeguards on on-demand alcohol delivery, and help prevent alcohol-fuelled family violence and other harms.

"It's now five years since the Royal Commission into Family Violence recommended that the Victorian Government review liquor laws to address alcohol-fuelled family violence and other harms, yet we are seeing more alcohol than ever flow into Victorian homes."

"The Government has now introduced a Bill to amend liquor laws but this does not include adequate measures to prevent harm from on-demand alcohol delivery.

We need the Victorian Government to urgently strengthen the Bill to prevent on-demand alcohol delivery into Victorian homes late at night, which we know fuels assaults and violence in the home," said Ms. Jackson.

The survey of more than 1000 Victorians also revealed:

· two-thirds of people who order alcohol on-demand reported consuming 11 or more drinks in one sitting in the past year

· half of people who order from these companies on a weekly basis reported consuming 11 or more drinks in a single sitting at least once a week.

Alcohol Change Vic spokesperson, Senior Social Justice Advocate, Uniting Church Synod of Victoria and Tasmania Mark Zirnsak, said the findings highlight the risks posed by on-demand alcohol delivery companies to community health and safety, and the need for these companies to comply with sensible safeguards.

"It's time for alcohol delivery companies to stop putting profits ahead of community safety."

"These businesses should have to meet the same basic community standards that apply to bricks and mortar alcohol stores, like not selling or delivering alcohol to people without checking ID and not leaving alcohol orders with someone else or unattended" Mr Zirnsak said.

The Victorian Government has been reviewing the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 since 2016, and introduced the Liquor Control Reform Amendment Bill in June this year. Alcohol Change Vic is calling for the Government to strengthen the Bill by:

· Introducing a mandatory delay of two hours for delivery of alcohol orders.

· Limiting alcohol deliveries to between 10am and 10pm.

· Introducing effective methods to verify the age of people ordering alcohol online, to ensure alcohol is not supplied to children.

· Ensuring alcohol is delivered to the person who ordered it, on presentation of photo ID as proof of age and identity, in all cases.

· Limiting targeted online advertising by alcohol delivery companies.

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