The NSW Minister for Water has today announced that a flush of water from the Menindee Lakes through to the Lower Darling River will commence to address the persistent Blue Green Algae.

The Darling River has been at Red Alert for Blue Green Algae since February, with landholders requested not to consume or bath in the water unless appropriately treated.
Thanks to the dedicated advocacy efforts by the Lower Darling Community assisted by the Wentworth Shire Council, the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) will release up to 45-50 GL from a fresh flow arriving into Menindee Lakes.
The environmental flush will cover a 500km stretch of the Lower Darling System.
Community assistance required
In addition to river water quality monitoring, DCCEEW are requesting daily images from landowners along the Darling River over the next three week period to assist with confirming the effectiveness of the flush trial and aid in the reporting of daily water quality testing.