Darwin Port

NT Government

The Darwin Port is critical to the Territory's economic development and is a significant national security asset.

The Finocchiaro CLP Government has been engaging with the Federal Government since November 2024 looking at options for Darwin Port.

We will take all steps necessary to secure its future.

Agency representatives are heading to Canberra for a meeting on Thursday, and they have been given a very clear Territory-first directive.

Given the Member for Solomon Luke Gosling's public commentary, the Federal Government must now end the uncertainty they have created on the future of Darwin Port.

The Member for Solomon has proposed a Public-private partnership involving federal funding.

The Northern Territory Government will continue engaging in good faith with the Federal Government, and our priority is to ensure the best deal for the Territory in the national interest.

We have seen the Albanese Government have no hesitation in bailing out Whyalla, and they need to show the same expediency in getting this matter resolved.

If funding for Darwin Port is a priority for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, he should be clear about that to all Territorians.

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